City Planning & Development, News Releases|

The City of Corner Brook has received an application from the owner of 233 Humber Road, Corner Brook, NL requesting permission to construct a three-unit row dwelling.  This property is located in a Residential Medium Density Zone.  Each row dwelling is proposed to have a subsidiary apartment which will bring the total number of dwelling units for this development to six (6) units.  A row dwelling classification of use is a “Discretionary Use” of the City of Corner Brook’s Development Regulations for this zone.

The public is advised that should they wish to provide comment about the proposed development they may do so in writing by contacting the Development & Planning Office at City Hall within seven (7) days from the date of this notification.  Comments can be forwarded to: Development & Planning Division, City of Corner Brook, P.O. Box 1080, Corner Brook, NL, A2H 6E1;  Fax:637-1514; Email:

Comments are closed.

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