Pursuant to the powers vested in it under Sections 188, 197, 203, 438, & 439 of the City of Corner Brook Act, R.S.N.L. 1990, c. C-15, as amended, Section 189 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.N.L. 1990, c. H-3, as amended, (a) delegation(s) of power by the Minister of Transportation and Works dated February 8, 2010, and all other powers it enabling, the Council of the City of Corner Brook in a Regular Council Meeting convened on the 18th day of November, 2024 brought forward a Notice of Motion to amend Schedule A of the Metered Parking Regulations, 2019, as follows:
Section 4. (b) Rate for parking in a metered parking space to be “$2.00 per hour” effective January 1st, 2025;
Section 6. (a) of the Metered Parking Regulations to read “Parking in a metered space while time is expired.”
The public will have an opportunity to provide input on the proposed regulations up to December 10, 2024. Comments can be submitted in writing to the City of Corner Brook P.O. Box 1080 Corner Brook NL or via email at tflynn@cornerbrook.com or by calling (709) 637-1570.