Pursuant to the powers vested in it by virtue of Section 263, 264, 280.1, 280.2 and 280.4 of the City of Corner Brook Act, 1990 and all other enabling powers, the Council of the City of Corner Brook in a Regular Council Meting convened on the 18th day of November 2024 brought forward a Notice of Motion to amend the Animal Regulations 2017 as follows:
1. Section 2. J) Impound Fee definition to include animal medical fees;
2. Section 7. d) to make animal medical fees collectable from the animal owner;
3. New “Section 10 – Designation” to allow the Director to designate external agencies to provide animal services, collect fees, on behalf of the City;
4. Schedule A revised to increase the Daily Base Impound Fee to $25.00/day;
5. New Schedule B, “Dog Registration Form”;
6. New Schedule C, “More than 5 Animals Form”, and;
7. New Schedule D, “Keeping of Uncommon Animal Form”.
The public will have an opportunity to provide input on the proposed regulations up to December 10, 2024. Comments can be submitted in writing to the City of Corner Brook P.O. Box 1080 Corner Brook NL or via email at tflynn@cornerbrook.com or by calling (709) 637-1570.
For the notice of motion, please see the PDF available here: LINK.