
TAKE NOTICE that the CITY OF CORNER BROOK Municipal Plan Amendment No. 24-03 and Development Regulations No. 24-03 , adopted on the 18th day of November, 2024 and approved on the 14th day of January, 2025, have been registered by the Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs, and published in the Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette February 14th, 2024.

In general terms, the purpose of Municipal Plan Amendment No. 24-03 and Development Regulations No. 24-03 is to change 29 Humber Road from ‘Open Space (OS)’ to ‘Residential/Commercial Mix (RCM)’. A development proposal was received to redevelop the property to redevelop with a ‘personal service’ (photography studio) and an ‘office’ on the first floor with ‘dwelling unit’ (apartment) on the second floor.


The CITY CORNER BROOK Amendment No. 24-03 come into effect the day this notice is published in the Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette. Anyone wishing to inspect a copy of the CORNER BROOK Municipal Plan Amendment No. 24-03 and Development Regulations Amendment No. 24-03 may do so at City Hall, Corner Brook during normal business hours.

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