There are numerous pieces of legislation which impact a municipal authority.  Council and its staff must abide by all relevant federal and provincial legislation when making decisions.  Outlined below is a summary of the most pertinent legislation used by City officials.  You can click on each one for a more detailed description.

City of Corner Brook Act, 1990 enacts the continuation of the incorporation of and the municipal affairs of the City of Corner Brook.  Amongst other items, the act sets out the legal framework, including definitions and regulations, for operations and administration of the City of Corner Brook.

Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000 established the province’s land use planning system; allows the preparation, approval, and implementation of a range of planning documents; and provides for public input and an appeal process whereby development decisions can be subjected to independent review.

Occupancy and Maintenance Regulations, C.N.L.R. 1021/96 for human, or other, habitation and maintenance of a dwelling or structure.

Access to Information to Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 provides clarity for the right to information, and a personal privacy regime to limit the collection, use and disclose of personal information held by government or any of its agencies.

Municipal Election Act outlines the administrative structure and requirements of the municipal election process in Newfoundland.  Under the Act, the City Clerk is responsible for conducting the elections in the City of Corner Brook.

Public Procurement Act  establishes the requirements for the calling and awarding of public tenders by all government-funded bodies.

Assessment Act provides the authority for carrying out an assessment of all real property in the province.  Assessments of real property are carried out by assessors employed by the Municipal Assessment Agency.  The Act also outlines a number of statutory responsibilities for municipal councils and municipal administrators in the assessment process.

Water Resources Act, 2002 is enabling legislation for the control and management of the water resources in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Lands Act, 1991 is the enabling legislation enacted to revise and consolidate the law respecting crown lands, public lands and other lands of the province.  For more specific information on Crown Lands, click on the link to access this legislation.

Emergency Services Act Emergency Services Act provides for the organization and administration of emergency services in the province. This legislations prescribes the requirements for municipalities to adopt an emergency plan and to enact the emergency plan when and if a municipality was to declare a state of emergency. You can view the City of Corner Brook’s Emergency Plan here.

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