View our Reports, Publications and Brochures
The City of Corner Brook produces a number of publications, plans and reports that are available to the public for viewing. If you are looking for a document that is not listed, please call the information department at 709.637.1662
The City of Corner Brook is committed to becoming a sustainable community. This Local Action Plan was made with the input of the community, and City staff, with the goal of outlining our steps for fighting climate change. We have made many eager commitments which show our drive to help our environment, and in turn enhance the lives of our citizens.
Strategic Regional Tourism Plan
City of Corner Brook, Bay of Islands and Lower Humber Region
(STAR Humber-Bay of Islands)
Final Report October 2019
Comprehensive Traffic Signals System Evaluation – Final Report
City of Corner Brook Newsletter
Community Grants Information and application
For full details on the grant program visit:
Community Grants Information and application (word)
2019 Budget Circular
2018 Citizen Survey Summary Report Link
City of Corner Brook – Citizen Survey
Budget Documents
Budget and Financial Statements
Annual Report: 2016
c-For the Year Ended December 31, 2016
PDF File (30 MB) Click Here to Download
Corporate Priorities Plan 2017-2020
PDF File Corner Brook Priorities Final 2017-2020
Public citizens and stakeholders played a key role in shaping the Corporate Priorities Plan. Residents and stakeholder groups were able to voice their opinions about the past, present, and future of Corner Brook and amendments were made accordingly. Following an extended 6-week consultation period on Draft Corporate Priorities Plan 2017-2020, submissions closed on Friday 30 December 2016.
The Corporate Priorities for 2017 to 2020, was affirmed by City Council at the Public Council meeting on April 10, 2017.
The City of Corner Brook Corporate Priorities Plan sets out the organization’s highest priorities from 2017-2020.
This is Council’s leadership document for the City of Corner Brook. It sets out Council’s strategic agenda, and guides all other planning initiatives and service delivery activities within the organization. The Corporate Priorities Plan explains what we want to achieve for Corner Brook and how the City Council Governance can contribute to this vision.
60th Anniversary Final Report
PDF file Corner Brook Anniversary Final Report
In 2016 The City of Corner Brook celebrated its 60th Anniversary as an incorporated municipality. The
Celebrations were a tribute to our past and will help shape the direction for our City’s growth in the future.
These celebrations were a catalyst to boosting the tourism industry of our city and province, instilling a sense
of community pride in our residents and raising the visibility of our City at the national and international level.
Annual Report: 2015
Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements-For the Year Ended December 31, 2015
PDF File (20 Mb) Click Here to Download
60 Reasons to Celebrate Corner Brook 2015-2016
Online Magazine 60 Reasons to Celebrate Corner Brook
PDF File (33 Mb) Click Here to Download
Integrated Municipal Sustainability Plan (IMSP)
The City of Corner Brook is planning for sustainable growth. It is one of the first municipalities in Atlantic Canada to incorporate Integrated Community Sustainable Planning (ICSP) measures into a municipal planning policy and regulatory framework to result in an Integrated Municipal Sustainability Plan (IMSP). The new IMSP will help the City of Corner Brook define its goals, vision and strategic direction for the future.
Click here for more information.
Other Reports:
City of Corner Brook Submission – Fracking Review Panel (Click to View)
On behalf of the Council of the City of Corner Brook we would like to thank you for the opportunity to provide input to the Hydraulic Fracking Review Panel. As a Council we have a responsibility to ensure our citizens’ voice is heard when addressing major issues affecting our community.
City of Corner Brook’s presentation to the Electoral Boundaries Commission (Click to View)
As a Council we fully recognize the difficult task the Commission faces in balancing many competing objectives. Our Council clearly understands the mandate of the Electoral Boundaries Commissions. Our presentation today will focus on the proposed districts for Corner Brook and how we feel it will impact our constituents.
Videos: Corner Brook Tour Book
- Welcome to Corner Brook link
- Quality of life link
- Recreation and Culture: Link
- Living in Corner Brook: Link
- Business and Industry: Link
- Tourism: Link
- Education: Link