The City of Corner Brook is excited to announce that the Jigs & Wheels summer festival will return again in 2024! Residents and visitors are encouraged to mark their calendars for a 10-day festival packed full of events and concerts between July 26-August 4, 2024. Stay tuned in the new year for more events and information that will be added as it is announced!

Request for Event Sponsorship

The City of Corner Brook is once again seeking sponsorships for our 3rd annual Jigs and Wheels Festival. As in previous years, we rely on sponsorships to help organize events that require significant financial resources. We are looking for sponsors who can provide monetary assistance or in-kind donations to help us cover the expenses associated with the event. In return, we are offering various sponsorship opportunities that will help promote your brand and increase your visibility among our target audience.

If you would like to become one of our sponsors, please complete the sponsorship form below.You may also print off the pdf.

Your support will not only help us achieve our goals but will also showcase your commitment to the community. Please review the different levels of sponsorship and the benefits associated with each level. We hope you will consider supporting our event at the level that is comfortable for your organization.


Schedule of Events

Click on the Poster for an exciting list of Events. Please note that the details of the events are subject to change. We advise everyone to stay updated with any announcements or modifications to the schedule.

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