Starting a new business is both exciting and rewarding, while it has its share of challenges. Besides requiring commitment and tenacity, the first step includes preparing a robust business plan backed by comprehensive research.
A business plan is also required when you plan to expand or diversify an existing business. In addition to providing insight into the future, a business plan is a mandatory document required by funding agencies/banks and regulatory/licensing authorities to consider a business proposal.
Registering a New Business with the City of Corner Brook
To register a new business with the City of Corner Brook, you will first need to fill out a Development Application. If you need to carry out renovations to the property, you will also need to fill out the Building Permit section of this form. Please note that a building permit is not required for interior painting, finished flooring, or re-placement of common plumbing fixtures such as toilets or faucets. For any clarifications, please contact the Development and Inspection Division, Tel: 709-637-1549, email:
Completing the Development Application is simple, and includes:
- Business owner’s contact information and property address
- Property owner’s contact information (if different from the business owner)
- Check “New Business” box in the Development section
- For “description of work” section, describe the nature of the business (use as much detail as possible)
- A signature is required from your landlord as “property owner”, as necessary
If your business is for a permitted use in the zone, the standard application fee is $50.00. If your business is determined to be a discretionary use for a zone, it needs to be approved by the City Council following a public notice in the local newspaper. The cost is $150.00 to cover the cost of advertising. Additional costs are required if building permits are needed. For further information, please refer to the City of Corner Brook Development Regulations 2012 which be accessed here. To find out if your business is a permitted or discretionary use for a specific zone, please contact the Development and Inspections Division at 709-637-1549.
If your business is for a permitted use in the zone, the standard application fee is $50.00. If your business is determined to be a discretionary use for a zone, it needs to be approved by the City Council following a public notice in the local newspaper. The cost is $150.00 to cover the cost of advertising. Additional costs are required if building permits are needed. For further information, please refer to the City of Corner Brook Development Regulations 2012 which be accessed here. To find out if your business is a permitted or discretionary use for a specific zone, please contact the Development and Inspections Division at 709-637-1549.
Business Planning
A business plan is a written document that describes the business and its objectives, strategies, market analysis, and prospects. It also describes the background of the promoters, investment cost, and means of financing as well as financial and operational forecasts.
To help move your business idea into a business plan, local agencies will work with you to identify your skill set, define your products or services, and determine the market potential to create a sound plan. They will also help you identify financing requirements and seek funding. These organizations can also help in creating plans for expansion and diversification. Their services are available free of charge.
20 University Drive, Room #AS2001 141 O’Connell Drive, Room #143B
Corner Brook, NL A2H 5G4 Corner Brook, NL A2H 6H6
Phone: (709) 639-2700 Phone: (709) 637-8549
Humber Community Business Development Corporation
19 Union Street, Suite 4, P.O. Box 657
Corner Brook, NL A2H 6G1
Tel: 709-639-7755
Newfoundland and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs
93 West Street, Goodhouse Building – Second Floor
Market research can be your first start to moving your idea into a business plan.
The Canada Business Newfoundland and Labrador provides information on various aspects and stages of business, such as starting, planning, financing, managing, and growing. Their services can be accessed online or by calling toll-free at 1-888-576-4444 or 709-772-6022.
Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation
2 Herald Avenue, Millbrook Mall
Statistics Canada is a great resource for conducting comparison analysis and gathering information on:
- labour markets
- income levels
- education levels
- demographics
- employment trends
- community profile
Community Accounts is a provincial statistic database that has information based on the community or area in which you have chosen to operate your business. The website is organized to show statistics in the areas of demographics, income, education, employment, etc. [/showhide] [showhide type=”links5″ more_text=”Benefits of a Business Plan” less_text=”] Benefits of a Business Plan”]Often times people have the misconception that a business plan is only required if they need financing. This could not be further from the truth! Aside from securing external financing, a business plan helps to:
- monitor and evaluate the success of your business
- provide structure and timelines
- identify problems
You should also be mindful that a business plan is a living document that will need updating and changing as your business expands. Regardless of whether you intend to use your plan internally, or as a document for external people, it should still take an objective and honest look at your business. Failing to do this could mean that you and others have unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved.
Your business plan should provide details of how you are going to develop your business, when you are going to do it, who is going to be involved, and how you will manage the money. Clarity on these issues is particularly important if you’re looking for finance or investment. The process of building your plan will also focus your mind on how your new business will need to operate to give it the best chance for success. Your plan should include:
- an executive summary
- a short description of the business opportunity
- your marketing and sales strategy
- your management team and personnel
- your operations
- financial forecasts
A guide to writing a business plan and sample templates are available at[/showhide]
Business Financing
Preparing a business plan will identify the amount of capital required. You will need start-up capital for building and/or leasehold improvements, licenses, equipment, legal and incorporation fees, and materials. You will also need operating capital for rent, utilities, wages and salaries, benefits, telephone, and transportation.
These organizations can help you identify the funding programs for which you can apply.
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Business Development Bank of Canada
Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation
Humber Community Business Development Corporation
You can also apply for business loans from any of the chartered banks and credit unions operating in Corner Brook.
Setting up your Business at City Hall
The City is glad to provide all assistance and advisory services for setting up or expanding your business and will help you comply with the regulations. The regulations ensure the safety and security of the public, encourage planned growth and development of businesses in the city, and create a level playing field. The major considerations include zoning, development applications, permits, and taxes. Working closely with you, the City intends to make the whole process easy and simple.
For convenience and fast processing, the City has set up a one-point contact for all your requirements. Please contact the Business Facilitator at the City (details below), who will be pleased to guide you through the process, provide the required information, and when necessary, schedule a meeting with other departments.
Manas Mukhopadhyay
Tel# (709) 637-1551
[showhide type=”links6″ more_text=”Zoning” less_text=”Zoning”]
As per The City of Corner Brook Development Regulations, separate zones have been earmarked for industrial, commercial, residential, and other purposes. Each zone has permitted uses (for example: an industrial project to be set up in an industrial area) and discretionary uses (for example: a commercial business to be set up in a residential zone). The Regulations, along with the Land Use Zoning Maps, can be accessed here.
If you propose to set up a business for discretionary use for a zone, the City will provide a seven-day public notice about your application, after the proposal has been approved by City Council. If your proposed business is for neither permitted nor discretionary use for a zone, you may submit a re-zoning request. However such requests must be backed by strong rationale.
It is recommended that you speak to the Business Facilitator before buying or leasing space to ensure that your business is in the right zone. If necessary, we will arrange a meeting with the Planning Department to respond to all your questions and concerns related to zoning.[/showhide] [showhide type=”links7″ more_text=”Development Application” less_text=”Development Application”]
You will need to submit a Development Application in the following instances, by completing a Building Permit / Development Application Form along with the specified fee.
- new business
- home-based business
- change of use
- new building
- building relocation
- demolition
- site development
- subdivision or consolidation of property
For a new or home-based business, please describe the type of business and activity in your application. For construction work related to the building or site, include a legal survey, a location certificate, or a real property report, along with development plans.
If required, the Business Facilitator will organize a meeting with the appropriate departments to discuss your specific needs.[/showhide] [showhide type=”links8″ more_text=”Building Permits” less_text=”Building Permits”]
A building permit is required if you are constructing, repairing, or altering a building. In this case, please furnish specific information in the Building Permit/Development Application Form along with a legal survey and building plans. New commercial developments may also require engineering drawings. The application must accompany the specified fee.
A building permit is not required for interior jobs, such as interior painting, flooring, or replacement of common plumbing fixtures such as faucets.
Once the completed application is received and there are no outstanding issues, the City will promptly review the plan according to the City’s building regulations. The time for review may vary depending on the size and complexity of the project.
After the work is completed, the City will conduct a final inspection and on being satisfied will issue a “Permit to Occupy” certificate, thereby allowing you to start your business in that space.
A Permit to Occupy is required, when:
- the building is new
- the use of the building is changed
- there is a change of ownership of the building
- the building has been vacant for more than six months.
A Business Signage could be permanent or temporary.
Permanent signage could be:
- On-site signage, which is within the property boundaries of the business.
- Off-site signage, which is outside of the property boundaries of the business, but within a reasonable distance of the premises. Off-site signage requires the approval of the Council.
A completed Building Permit/Development Application Form must be submitted to the City, along with the specified fees. The approved size of the sign depends on its placement and land-use zoning. For signage guidelines, as outlined in the City’s Development Regulations, please click here.
Temporary Signage
To erect a temporary sign within the boundaries of the City of Corner Brook, you would need to submit a temporary sign application to the City, along with the specified fees. Temporary sign is allowed for a maximum period of 6 (six) months, which can be extended on application.[/showhide]
BizPal is a free service that helps identify federal, provincial, and municipal permits that may be required to start or grow your business. You can now spend less time searching for information and more time growing your business.